So it’s time for something we’ve never seen on DND Tonight before, Science Fiction! These are the first 40K models I’ve painted in many years. I had them hanging around for a long time and suddenly Brandon decided we were going to try 40K again. I put it off and delayed and stalled but eventually Continue Reading
Skaven Doom Flayer
What’s better than a rat? Two Rats with a huge spinning doom ball that can mow down friends and foes alike! I painted these two with a different goal in mind. There was no reference images and no air brush. My plan was to get them onto the table as quick as possible and in Continue Reading
Tau CPF (Commerce Protection Fleet)
These are my quick and dirty Tau Commerce Protection Fleet. I’ve always wanted them but they are no longer available but there are some good models of them around for people who have 3D printers. A few test prints to get the scale right and these are what we came up with. I will try Continue Reading
Deepkin Akhelian King
Here he is! The center piece of the whole fish elves army, the Akhelian King. I also threw in a close up of our underwater bases. This one was scary to do since the model is recessed into the resin, only one chance not to screw it up. I was so happy when this model Continue Reading