So it’s time for something we’ve never seen on DND Tonight before, Science Fiction!

These are the first 40K models I’ve painted in many years. I had them hanging around for a long time and suddenly Brandon decided we were going to try 40K again. I put it off and delayed and stalled but eventually he got me to join in on it since my Tzeentch Deamons could easily back up these old thousand sons models I had sitting around. I have to admit it was a lot of fun picking this up again. Especially since I basically had everything I needed already.

These pictures are unique since I painted 2 of these and Brandon Painted the other ones. Can you guess which ones were done by a pro and which ones were done by me? Well I can but only because the power sword fought me the whole time. Still pretty proud of how mine came out. They blend nicely into the models he painted for me.

Paints List
Thousand Sons Blue – Base Coat
Ahriman Blue – Dry brush or Zenith Highlight
Guilliman Blue – All over Wash
P3 Arcane Blue – Drybrush (I don’t recommend this one should have used a less green blue like Blue horror or mix white with Ahriman blue)
White – Cloak
Vellejo Sky Gray – the folds of the robe
Guilliman Blue – Wash over robe
Ulthuan Gray – highlight tops of robe folds
Scale 75 Sol Yellow – Head Stripes
Deathclaw Brown – Gloves
P3 Rhuric Gold – Gold Trim
Reikland FleshShade or Agrax Earthshade – Wash over the gold