Saurus warriors have seen better day rules wise. Despite this, they remain one of the coolest battleline GW has ever produced! Whats not to love about a horde of rampaging dinosaurs! And not just any dinosaurs… freaking Aztec space dinosaurs! Well, if you run them as startborn anyways. The sculpts are a little outdated by today’s standards, but they hold up remarkable well considering. Love them or hate them, there’s no denying they are pretty cool. And we here at DNDTonight are all about the rule of cool!

Fun fact. These were the first model’s Wes painted when he started taking painting minis seriously in 2015. For years before then he was one of those primed and done types of players. So many rattle caned hordes of orks and nids… Now adays, He adores the painting part of the hobby. Needless to say, these guys have a special place in his heart!