Our heroes find themselves trapped in the dark. They will have to work together to find their way to the artifact hidden within while dodging traps and not loosing their footing. This also marks the beginning of a new style of DMing for a while, it’s our first real dungeon. Which means I can share with you the Dungeon Map!

Dashiki Sunken Temple Path: The Red arrow is the entrance to the temple. The Green path marks the path which is well worn by the temple’s prior inhabitants. Orange marks the path which our heroes traversed these ancient stone floors.
Dungeon Key: Each level of the Dungeon also has a Key for what the various things that the players may find as they make their way through is. Special thanks to https://donjon.bin.sh/5e/dungeon/ for their awesome tools to make this
Merlin Journal: We find ourselves locked in the darkness of an ancient temple which seems out of place in this realm. How did it come to be here? Our foes cannot be so powerful as to move a structure like this from it’s realm to entomb it here. Can they?