Our heroes build an embankment against the freezing cold and Awen uses a rather unique solution to get the fire started in order to warm up this green bird man whom was slowly freezing in the snow. Once he awakens he expresses concern that the forest is freezing over and it will only get worse if they try to make their way to Skyfall the Aarakocra village at the edge of the lake.
Through some rather unorthodox persuasion they convince him to lead them through the snow storm as he can act as their guide and pick out the way posts through the blizzard.
Unfortunately Awen seems to be struggling with her concentration for some unknown reason. It’s almost like the magic of the Feywild isn’t agreeing with her material plane senses. When they reach Skyfall Awen can’t focus enough to tell if her missing friends are nearby. Thankfully Neam has a plan to go to the glacier and open a door.

Neam Cave Painting: Find bird people live in birdy houses in the trees.