Neim Cave Painting: We fight shadow person. Smash him with axe. Was good fight. Cleff likes bananas, makes me like banana too!

All that stands in the way of our feywild adventurers is this shadowy temple guardian. The statues have been destoryed, but there’s definitely a trick to the way this guardian fights. Perhaps they can figure it out before he manages to kill everyone’s favorite character… Rain the griffin.
Once the party gets inside what will they find? What has become of Asharis, Ghost Slinger, Merlin and Raal. Especially considering Asharis and Raal were both suffering from the negative effect that prolonged exposure to the shadowfell can have on you. Will Awen and her team of Fey companions make it? I can’t wait to find out!

What’s this… Light at the end of the tunnel? Well, perhaps darkness as we have reached the end of another wonderful season of DND Tonight. We hope you enjoyed it and can’t wait to get you more great episodes in the future. See you soon for Season 4.