These are my copies of the materials used for the Battlefleet Gothic datafiles in battlescribe. I have added bookmarks for my own use that you may also enjoy over other versions running around online. Hopefully since these are long OOP and unsupported materials it’s not a problem for me to host them here.
There are many other materials out floating in the void which all have various levels of ‘official’ tied to them. These are the works I consider to be the officialist rules in order of release.
The Big Blue Book
So named for it’s blue cover and confusing title. It’s official title is Battlefleet Gothic, which makes sense as it is the rule book for the game. However that gets confusing since it’s both a game and a book. So it’s the BBB to me.
This is where new Gothic Players should start. Or you would if it wasn’t for the option at the end of this page.
Battlefleet Gothic Armada
Not to be confused with the ‘new’ video game with the same name. Armada was a huge expansion to the universe of Gothic adding new factions and ships for existing factions as well as bringing together lots of the experimental rules which were being tried out in the Gothic magazine, that I never had.
Also as a footnote since the cover isn’t in the file, this one was a golden yellow colour.
The 2010 FAQ
As gothic grew long in the teeth with several different magazines and mentions in White Dwarf the great powers that be at Gamers Workshop decided to make one more ‘master’ guide of rules in an FAQ to bring everything together again. This FAQ is on the scale of another book in its own right, and perhaps that was the goal before funding dried up.
The 2010 FAQ is an official release for the game but I’d consider it the least official, official thing. You may find less balance and a few game breaking things.
Play with the bits your group likes and modify to make it work for you. That’s the core of why gothic is still loved by so many.
Honorable Mention to Simon Saier’s
Battlefleet Gothic Remastered
I haven’t used this book extensively but there was some serious work put into it’s creation and I can appreciate that. I saw it bound and printed on Reddit at some point. I hope someday I could get a copy like that but for now PDF will do.
This passion not for profit work was created to combine everything together into one place with updated points and rules from the official releases. This one stop PDF might be the real best place for new players to start since it wont have you learn one way of playing only to find out that the rules were changed later.