Making Eldar Raider Paint Schemes
I recently started gathering some Eldar models for Battlefleet Gothic and when it came time to paint them I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do for a craftworld. This meant painting up some test models to see what I liked most.
I figured I would share with everyone what I came up with. These aren’t anything specific. Just colors I liked on the ships to see what looked good and how best to paint them using more modern techniques than the paint I gave them when I was 13.
Paints Used
Paints used is a little bit of a pain since I lost some of the pictures but I’ll do my best.
Black with red wings – Base Coat Chaos black, Drybrush Eshin Gray, Wings Mephiston Red, Accent Model Color Medium Blue
Blue with yellow wings – Base coat Black Primer, Zenith Highlight Gray primer, Layer Gulliman Blue glaze, Wings Army painter Sulfide Ochre, Wash Fuegan Orange
Green and Red wings – Base coat Black Primer, Zenith Highlight Gray primer, Layer Bel-Tan Green Shade, Wings Mephiston Red Drakenoff Nightshade
The Eclipse is sadly a mystery. I know that I did the wings Mephiston red and shaded them with Fuegan Orange. I think I did a gray zenith highlight with Bel-Tan green through the airbrush to try to get some color transition in the green but I didn’t like it so I added a dry brush to it, but I’d no idea what greeen I used to get that effect. It’s my favorite of these too, but might never be replicated.