So I decided that with all the focus on getting Helbrutes in the new edition, because they are really good. It would be worth giving the classic Chaos Dreadnought the modern paint treatment to look as awesome as possible.

I started with base coating the entire model in Black primer followed by a White Zenith highlight from above. Honestly not sure if this does much for the final paint or if it just helps me see what I’m doing better along the way.

Next the gold is Retributor Armor followed by a wash of Reikland Fleshshade. I used a random blue and red for the wires on the plasma and some accent colors.
Following that I used Boltgun metal for all the silver bits, washed in Nuln Oil and drybrushed with Mythril Silver. Gotta dig old school paint with an old school model.
The skulls are screaming skull followed by an Agrax Earthshade wash.

Below are the colors I used for the new technical effects I’m trying to get better at. The Sky Blue I used for the final highlight on the glow effect was actually applied with a dry brush. I’ve had trouble doing really small detail air brush work.
Really happy with the heat blue effect. Here’s a link to the youtube I followed.

Next step is one I’m proud of. I did the same thing during the Heldrake base build.
In order to know where the model’s feet would need to go, I put PVA glue on the bottoms and pressed the model to the base then pulled them back apart. I cleaned the glue off the model and left the glue to dry on the base. That way I could make the base around the mounting location to get a solid connection without having to worry about getting base paint paint on my shiny new Helbrute. You can see the outline of one of the feet in the red circled area.

Almost forgot.
This dread has an extra arm option, but how to handle that? I used 3 mm magnets that just fit within the arm stalk in order to make them swappable. Trouble was they would spin to face down.
To fix that, I filled in the arm joint with green stuff and filed a flat spot on one side of the arm pin so it wouldn’t rotate. Seems like it’s working but getting the green stuff just right wasn’t an easy task, and metal is a pain to drill with drills this size so the magnet wouldn’t sit proud.