Glowing Floating Rocks!

These are some of my favorite models I’ve ever found over on thingiverse by far. I loved the paint scheme that their creator gave them with this awesome magical glow effect that I wanted to try to do for mine as soon as I saw them.

First I planned out my glow colors.

Normally I wouldn’t go with games workshop expensive paint on terrain but I was breaking out the big guns to make these perfect.

I decided I wanted to do the base color first with the airbrush so that I could cover up the overspray with the next layer

You can also see that in the step above I went ahead and laid down some Astrogranite from the GW line of technicals. Usually I use this for miniture bases when I don’t want to put a bunch of time into the base but it felt right here.

Now we break out the craft paint.

This is a generic tan paint that I use for lots of different stone stuff I’ve done recently. The color isn’t super critical because we’re going over it with a few more steps. I made a homemade wash of dirty brown water with some black paint thrown in. Consider it a home made Agrax earthshade to go over the stone color and break it up some. Check it out below.

Next up is the metallics which again I used a cheap craft paint with great results.

I dropped some gun metal on each of the metallic surfaces focusing on the chains and banding around the crystals.

I drybrushed a light coat of suede here over all the stone surfaces after they dried to get their final highlight before doing some glow effects.

Oh and I missed the picture but I also drybrushed some mythril silver onto the metallic parts so that they would really pop as metallic.

First glow color. I allowed the over spray to move as it wanted around the model you can see it clearly on the rock in the foreground.
Final Super Glow. I mixed ~50:50 white in with the Sybarite Green to get the deepest part of the glowing center of the crystals.

Finished Terrain

Can’t wait to put these on my underworlds boards for a game or so.

If you do print some of these out don’t forget to tip their designer a dollar for how cool they are!