Pewter is life but is old Abbadon a silly model?

This is how my pewter Abbadon showed up. I grabbed him right after the new model came out since he had a big drop in demand since a newer ‘better’ version came out.
I always thought he was kinda a silly looking model as a kid. Short and squat with silly hair. Now looking back at some of the better paint jobs that he’s gotten over the years. I wanted to see if I could make him live up to his name as the leader of Chaos Undivided.

Painting Process

First, I didn’t want him to just be black. Black paint is deceptively difficult to paint well. So I had a clever plan to add depth to the black without having to go buy a contrast paint or spend ages trying to glaze gray highlights on the armor panels.
Prime – Valejo Black, with gray zenithal highlight (highlight is optional)
Layer – Eshin Gray on all the armor panels
Shade – 2 coats of Nuln Oil, make sure to let them dry between coats
Layer – Ulthuan Gray using a makeup brush apply very light drybrush over the armor to pick up those raised edges.

Next up is all the metallic paints. I didn’t want to use a bright gold on him. I’ve always liked the darker bronze look to the Black Legion so I tried to emulate it.
Base – Balthazar Gold
Layer – Sycorax Bronze, I tried to give some extra depth by leaving the Balthasar visible in the deeper areas.
Layer – P3 Rhulic Gold, I wanted the bolter rounds to stand out from the rest of the metallic paints so I picked out the rounds with this color. A few of the heads were then highlighted with some red that was on my pallet. Probably Wazdakka or Knorne red.

So many little accent colors. I’m going to make notes with each photo below. Special note around the sword. I left the air brushed gray to do the work on the blade by coating it with Guilliman Blue then another super light drybrush of Ulthuan Gray to pick out the highest edges.
Paints – Model Color Hull Red
Bolt Gun Metal
Shining Silver
Caledor Sky
Screaming Skull
Khorne Red
Guilliman Flesh
Guilliman Blue
Ulthuan Gray

Final Result, Is he cool?

How’d I do? Leave your thoughts below in the comments. Do you think the old Abbadon is silly like I did? The new one is definitely amazing and I’d like to have a go at him.

I think I did alright bringing life to this old school version of Abbadon. Now I just need to paint the new one or maybe get some old school chosen terminators to join their captain here.