Secretly everyone knows that the best dungeon masters are the monsters that live in the dungeon.
Raal is super best friends with, our dungeon master, Derek. He’s existed in several different worlds by the time that we meet him in DnD Tonight.
Raal grew up in a mountainous area within a tribe of green Kobold just like himself. They would often stake out the trails around the mountain with traps to ensnare travelers who passed through the area and fleece them for anything of value.
Raal was hiding in a tree above a wooded path watching a traveler that was approaching the trip line he’d placed at the base of the tree. Just before the cloaked figure reached the trip line they stopped and put their hands wide to either side of them before clapping them together with a resounding thunder clap. Arcane sigils lit up across the cloaked figure’s robe as Raal, the trap and 3 other Kobold were sent flying out of their hiding spots into the open. Laying on the ground with his head spinning, Raal waited for the swift death someone so powerful would bring, but it didn’t come.
Instead when Raal opened his eyes the figure had put down their hood and was investigating him. Raal’s hands were bound and a shackle was around his neck. The strange wizard noticing he was awake jumped back and pulled at a leash.
Raal came to learn that the reason the wizard captured him was because his scales shimmered with magical energy after being hit by the thunder wave. After learning common and a year of being studied by the wizard on his travels Raal became the wizard’s apprentice. The first spell he learned was mending, because who would start out teaching a Kobold combat spells like firebolt or shocking grasp. Many years have passed since then. Who know’s what adventures Raal’s been on. Maybe our party will run into him again learn more about him.