Asharis is pragmatic. She carries a wide assortment of gear with her wherever she goes never wanting to be without the right equiptment for the challenges that may lie ahead.
From an early age, Asharis’s connection to woodland creatures was stronger than the other elves in her woodland tribe. As she reached maturity she realize her natural ability to understand animals was not shared by the other elves. She ventured out from the forest with her hunting companion, a young wolf pup, looking for others who shared her talents.
They ventured into a human village, but were greeted with suspicion which turned to aggression when they saw her speaking with the wolf. They ran from the village as a mob formed. As they ran an arrow shot out of the crowd behind them striking the young wolf. Asharis turned at the yelp and lifted her friend onto her back fleeing into the safety of the woods.
“Don’t give up on finding others. They are out there somewhere.”
Asharis felt her friends last breath on her neck. She dropped to her knees and wept, but his words would stay with her.
Years later she came across a human child in the woods, in a moment of spite she turned away from the child before remembering the words of her wolf companion. Calming her feelings she greeted the child and guided them home. The family missing their youngest child showered Asharis in praise and insisted she take what little they could spare.
Warmed by the kindness of the family Asharis resolved that she would help anyone she could while she hunted for other people with her connection to the worlds animals.