Asharis Concept Sheet

Working with Greg Salapack, who’s information can be found on the Artists page, I wanted to let the players develop the art for their characters. Greg put together this ref sheet to give Asharis somewhere to start. Each week I will post the next character sheet and give the player feedback to Greg to further Continue Reading

Ep24 – Forgotten City

Our heroes are back in the Material Plane and if everything worked they should have far fewer Orks in their path. Now they just have to make it through the forgotten city back to the top of the mountain. That shouldn’t be so tough.

EP23 – Where’s Zabuza?

Our heroes have reached the Lizardfolk and now they need to continue on with their plan to draw the attention of the Orks into the Feywild. That should leave the path clear in Scale Ridge on the Prime Material plane. But Ghost Slinger is only concerned with one thing, Where’s Zabuza?

EP16 – Back to Brentwood

Still somewhat confused by what’s going on that’s causing the animals of the woods to be aggressive, the party finishes their journey to Brentwood where they are planning to grab supplies and head out on a far more difficult trip to Scale Ridge. But maybe they have a new ally for the trip.

EP15 – Blink Dogs

After being run out of Wight our heroes are on the road again with little sleep under their belts and a long way to Brentwood. It will take them a couple of days travel to get back to the safety Brentwood. They keep a eye on the road behind them as they move, hoping to Continue Reading