EP75 – Breaking into the Temple

Neim Cave Painting: We fight shadow person. Smash him with axe. Was good fight. Cleff likes bananas, makes me like banana too! All that stands in the way of our feywild adventurers is this shadowy temple guardian. The statues have been destoryed, but there’s definitely a trick to the way this guardian fights. Perhaps they Continue Reading

EP74 – Temple Guardian

It seems our stand-in heroes are reaching the end of their journey. They have made it all the way to the temple atop the pyramid which Asharis, Ghost Slinger and Merlin managed to get trapped in and Awen can see the light of their spirits shining through the planes to her. There’s only one problem. Continue Reading

EP73 – Crossing the Lake to the Glacier

Our feywild friends and their Paladin companion make their way to the Glacial Glade and the town of Skyfall only to find a swirling lake with a glacier at the center and ice closing in all around them. The helpful green Aarakocra that they saved from death in the snow suggests that they row out Continue Reading

EP72 – Making way to Glacial Springs

Our heroes build an embankment against the freezing cold and Awen uses a rather unique solution to get the fire started in order to warm up this green bird man whom was slowly freezing in the snow. Once he awakens he expresses concern that the forest is freezing over and it will only get worse Continue Reading