EP36 – Land! Oh No!

Our heroes have control over their course again The rudder is fixed thanks to the hard work of Dilly and Londor, but there’s that creepy fog that has been showing up the last two nights. Londor doesn’t like it and he’s got them headed home at max speed. Will they make it back in site Continue Reading

EP35 – Cabin Fever

Something is wrong with Ghost Slinger in this episode. It’s got something to do with pickles. She’s weird but we’ll get through it together. The Intrepid is damaged. We’re taking on water, the donkeys might have been hurt and there’s still the threat of Ghost Pirates. This has been a dangerous whale watching trip, for Continue Reading

EP34 – Giant Squid Astern Sir

When last we left off our heroes had an unexpected dinner guest. A Giant Squid grabbed onto the intrepid and wouldn’t let go as it chewed through the wooden ship trying to grab our adventurers. How are they going to get away? Is the Intrepid going to be alright? Will they make it back to Continue Reading

EP33 – Escape the Lowestoft

Our heroes are in the midst of a fight for their lives. Merlin can’t see, Asharis has her hands full of Hook Horror and Ghost Slinger is mad that she got caught up in the thunder wave blast. Will they be able to get out of there? Oh no everything seems to be catching fire!

EP32 – Smoke on the Horizon

Our adventuring crew finally made it, the sea lies ahead of them. What are they going to find out on the ocean? Will they be able to convince their Dwarven crew to head out beyond where they can safely see land? What’s this… Smoke. What could it be? Probably nothing good. See a picture at Continue Reading

EP31 – Story Time

So our heroes have made it to Ghyll. Now they have to figure out how they are going to get their boat through Ghyll’s locks and down into the lower city. Maybe they shouldn’t take their river boat out into the ocean? Ghost Slinger seems to think she has a way that they can get Continue Reading