Glowing Nightvault Terrain for Warhammer Underworlds

Glowing Floating Rocks! These are some of my favorite models I’ve ever found over on thingiverse by far. I loved the paint scheme that their creator gave them with this awesome magical glow effect that I wanted to try to do for mine as soon as I saw them. Normally I wouldn’t go with games Continue Reading

Best of Thingiverse – V2 Rocket with Trailer Wargame Scatter Terrain

V2 rocket easy print + V2 Trailer PITA PrintUser WindhamGraves has got a bunch of historical models that he’s made on his page which are all great. Highly recommend checking out the models posted on their user page if you like the look of these rockets.

Best of Thingiverse – Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault Terrain

Nightvault Themed Underworlds Terrain Going along with our post from last week I’ve found another great set of Warhammer Underworlds scatter terrain that matches up with the battle boards from the Nightvault set. I’m totally blown away by this set. That floating pyramid is amazing to me. A little tricky to glue together but Continue Reading

Best of Thingiverse – Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Terrain

Turns out that Thingiverse has been slowly growing a collection of fantastic Shadespire themed terrain.I am thrilled to have found these great pieces of Shadespire terrain. If you’re a fan of DND or Shadespire or just want some cool scatter terrain for your 40K table these are definitely worth painting. I wanted to give them Continue Reading