How difficult is it to show different skin tones?

I wanted to experiment with flesh tones with this build. I didn’t want the whole gang to look the same. They are a rag tag gang of Punk Chicks from different backgrounds from different places and maybe different planets. They definitely shouldn’t all have the same skin tone to them.

I tried to go from peach skinned to very dark skinned to an almost more blue skintone.

In order to experiment with the skin tones I could make I pulled out all my flesh toned paint and washes and then started mix and matching with the different Gang models I had available.
Ionrach Skin
Rakarth Flesh
Model Color Basic Skintone
Deepkin Flesh
Kislev Flesh

Guilliman Flesh Contrast Paint
Reikland Fleshshade

I blocked in all the different skintones. Randomizing who got what flesh color.

I was very plesantly surprised by the Model Color Basic Skintone. It looked very peach in the bottle, but once it was actually painted on the model the color was much better than I expected. It made a great base color to work from for light skintones.

Reikland Fleshshade

Deeper and Darker Tones

Aiming for deeper and darker tones I used Guilliman Flesh and Reikland Fleshshade with one or 2 coats or Lamia Medium to make the recesses darker.

Variety in a Gang

I can’t wait to get this great group of gals on the tabletop to show the other gangs what girl power means in the 41st Millennium