I had trouble deciding if I wanted to use Magnus in his full armor or not. Sadly this decision was made for me since you can’t put his chest piece on once you put the belt armor piece in place. I did come up with a unique solution though if you continue to the bottom. Continue Reading
Hazard Lines are Critical for Grim Dark Goodness
So you have some doors and you wanna kick them up a bit? Easy enough just add yourself some cool hazard stripes to make them pop into a lived in industrial world. But making stripes is time consuming and painful to get right free hand. Here’s how you do it! This prints on standard 8.5 Continue Reading
Corvus Games – Corvus Prime Bundle
Have you ever thought warhammer 40,000 terrain should be more like lego sets? No? Me either, until I bought this set and then I realized this is the solution that 3D printers should all be using for these big buildings.Corvus has put together a great set of modular walls and corner posts which can be Continue Reading
Best of Thingiverse – Warhammer Underworlds Hazard Tiles
Fire Tile with room for a Stormcast Eternal inside the flames. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3664359/files I’m impressed that the fire effect on this is so good and it has enough room for putting a stormcast base inside it. Fanstastic way to mark a hazard square.Keep your eyes open for another post of this type of tile. I’ve found Continue Reading
Best of Thingiverse – Warhammer Underworlds Nightvault Terrain
Nightvault Themed Underworlds Terrain https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3926075 Going along with our post from last week I’ve found another great set of Warhammer Underworlds scatter terrain that matches up with the battle boards from the Nightvault set. I’m totally blown away by this set. That floating pyramid is amazing to me. A little tricky to glue together but Continue Reading
Best of Thingiverse – Warhammer Underworlds Shadespire Terrain
Turns out that Thingiverse has been slowly growing a collection of fantastic Shadespire themed terrain.I am thrilled to have found these great pieces of Shadespire terrain. If you’re a fan of DND or Shadespire or just want some cool scatter terrain for your 40K table these are definitely worth painting. I wanted to give them Continue Reading
How to Drill Battlefleet Gothic Ships for Flight Sticks
It’s a problem as old as Games Workshop. What’s the best way to handle the flight sticks. I’ve seen breaking off the tip ahead of time because it’s to weak and using a big drill to mount the thick part in the model. I’ve seen glueing big magnets on both the model and the flight Continue Reading
How to be the Secret Agent of the Dungeon Master
So it’s no secret that Raal is a plant. He’s my little buddy that’s there to help out when the players need a hint or they want to be able to ask something in character instead of having to ask the DM. So he plays this roll in our podcast, but did you know that Continue Reading
Vetting your Party for a Rousing game of Dungeons and Dragons
Party composition starts long before picking your character class. Have you ever put together a game with all your friends thinking it’s going to be great only to realize after you start playing that it’s really not that great and you’re not getting along like you usually do even though you’ve been friends for years? Continue Reading
ORKtober – Battlefleet Gothic Style
So I was busy working away during october working on battlefleet gothic stuff, so naturally I decided that I had to throw some color on my old Ork Boys. I imagined they would be very slap dash with bothering to paint things. I also imagine that they would probably use colors to describe guns. so Continue Reading