Battlefleet Gothic – Eldar Raiders Testing Paint Schemes

Making Eldar Raider Paint Schemes I recently started gathering some Eldar models for Battlefleet Gothic and when it came time to paint them I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do for a craftworld. This meant painting up some test models to see what I liked most. I figured I would share with everyone what Continue Reading

Tzaangor Flock – Build and Paint with video

Flesh ColorVillejo Airbrush Surface Primer GrayCelestra Grey (Optional)Guiliman Blue ArmorSotek GreenDrakenhof Nightshade (aim for the recesses) Clean up with Sotek Green (as needed)Highlight with Templeguard Blue (optional)Blue Horror (optional High Highlight)Retributor ArmorLiberator Gold (Optional) Silver AreasBlackLeadbelcherStormhost silver (Optional)Eshin Gray (optional on area’s left black) ClothCelestria GrayDrakenhof Nightshade (can be sub with Guiliman Blue)Ulthuan GreyWhite Horns Continue Reading