Warhammer 40K – Necromunda: Eschar Gang Painting Different Skin Tones

How difficult is it to show different skin tones? I wanted to experiment with flesh tones with this build. I didn’t want the whole gang to look the same. They are a rag tag gang of Punk Chicks from different backgrounds from different places and maybe different planets. They definitely shouldn’t all have the same Continue Reading

Scratch Built V2 Rocket Launcher Terrain

Reminder of the model since that’s what you probably want to knowhttps://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604584 https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4604575/files I decided that they were a little too small to be stand alone pieces so they had to be put together on a base to make them into their own dedicated terrain. Launch Platforms Using some of my scratch building stuff I Continue Reading